Danish aid to Ukraine's energy supply

Published 08-04-2022

EU member states and others can now send donations directly to Ukraine's energy sector. The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities has been working hard to get this in place. Denmark will provide energy counselling and money.

The Russian attack has left Ukraine's energy system with substantial damages. At a council meeting of EU energy ministers, Ukraine therefore asked for help to maintain the system - and that help is now on its way.

The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities has been working with the Energy Community and the European Commission to establish a pan-European mechanism called ‘Ukraine Energy Support Fund’, which means that member countries can now donate directly to Ukraine's energy sector. The money will e.g. be spent on fuel and equipment to generate electricity and heat.

"Ukraine's energy sector is badly affected by the war and they have asked for our help. The Danish Energy Agency has therefore set up a local office in Lviv to provide counsel on how Ukraine can maintain the energy supply during the war. And Denmark, in close co-operation with the European Commission and the Energy Community, has set up a system so that EU countries can now donate to Ukraine's energy sector. This is to ensure that Ukraine receives equipment that actually fits into the energy system. Denmark will also send money and encourage other countries to contribute as well," says Minister for Climate Energy and Utilities Dan Jørgensen.

Since 2014, Denmark and Ukraine have been co-operating in governmental activities aimed at promoting the green transition, including by making it more attractive to invest in sustainable energy solutions and by helping Ukraine achieve its goals for renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Despite the war, Denmark continues to co-operate at the request of Ukraine, and the Danish Energy Agency has therefore set up a local project office in Lviv to support the work and help the Ukrainian energy sector as best as possible.

Once the situation is stable again, Denmark will also assist in the long-term restoration of the Ukrainian energy system.

The establishment of the pan-European mechanism has been done in close cooperation with the Commission and the Energy Community. Initially, Denmark has donated DKK 4 million to the mechanism, and this should be seen as part of the overall Danish effort to strengthen Ukraine in the development of their energy system.


Facts about the co-operation

  • The co-operation between Denmark and Ukraine was established in 2014. It is currently run by the Danish Energy Agency in co-operation with the Danish Embassy in Ukraine.
  • The Danish-Ukrainian co-operation will strengthen the investment environment, making it more attractive to invest in sustainable energy solutions.
  • Through this co-operation, Denmark is also helping Ukraine achieve its goals for renewable energy, energy efficiency, district heating modernisation and energy independence
  • The co-operation is financed by the Neighbourhood Programme under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs