Colombia joins Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance, to support its phase out of oil and gas production

Published 31-08-2023

Today, Colombia joins the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA), an international alliance of governments co-chaired by Denmark, working together to facilitate the managed phase-out of oil and gas production. This happens during the visit of the Danish minister of Development Cooperation and Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen in Colombia on the 31st of August.

Colombia is the third largest oil producer in Latin America. Crude oil accounts for approximately 32% of the country’s exports and 8.5% of government income. Colombia joins co-chair Denmark and countries including France and Chile as part of the Alliance.

Colombia will initially become a ‘Friend’ of BOGA, which means that it supports the BOGA Declaration and intends to work towards the phase out of oil and gas production, in line with the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement (2015), where governments committed to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees C. The Colombian government has committed to delivering a just transition towards a fossil fuel free economy. Since assuming office in August 2022, the Government has ended approval of all new oil and gas exploration projects.

Dan Jørgensen, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy and co-chair of BOGA, said: “Colombia is a regional first mover on the phase out of oil and gas production. As a significant producer, the Colombian Government’s intention to end oil and gas production demonstrates great international leadership on the journey to a fossil fuel free world powered by renewable energy. We are delighted to welcome Colombia to this growing Alliance, which is working together to build a cleaner, sustainable future.”

Omar Camacho, Colombian Minister for Mines and Energy, said: “From today, we will focus our efforts on collaborating with BOGA to work together to advance not only our energy transition, but also our economic transition. Our work with BOGA will respond to the justice element of our energy transition, both for communities and industry”.

BOGA, launched at COP26 in Glasgow and co-chaired by Denmark and Costa Rica, aims to deliver a climate and energy secure future by ensuring that the phase out of oil and gas production is central to international climate negotiations and by supporting governments to take steps towards a managed and responsible phase out. Since its launch, the Alliance has now grown to 20 Members and Friends, and has played a key role in championing international calls for the just, managed phase out of all fossil fuels.

During the visit in Colombia, the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Climate Policy will meet with a.o. the Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs Álvaro Leyva, and the Minister of Mines and Energy Omar Andrés Camacho, where closer cooperation on climate is on the agenda.

For more information, please contact Lisa Maria Frendved Christensen, or visit